Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

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Crafting joy through diversity, equity and inclusion.

As Rovio, we are committed to weaving diversity, equity and inclusion into how we work and what we make, together with the industry.

Our DEI efforts focus both in and outside Rovio:

Workforce & Workplace

We empower Rovians to unlock their full potential and unique talents, crafting games that connect with our diverse players worldwide.

Game Design & Marketing

We champion responsible, safe, and enjoyable gaming experiences, ensuring positivity in every moment of play.

Community & Industry

One company alone cannot solve for the change we fiercely want. We need to change the game together with the industry.

Our Progress.

Workforce Representation.

Nationality and gender data is from 31 December 2023. For the other data, we conducted a global employee survey in 2024 Q4. The survey was voluntary and 60.4% responded. These results are representative of those who completed the survey.





identify as LGBTQIA+


are women or non-binary



are neurodivergent


of women in the Leadership Team



are a racial or ethnic minority where they are located

Latest News.

It isn’t enough to just talk about DEI. Here’s what we’re doing to make progress.